I am a german and i have a question:
In germany each site need an "Impressum". There u need to write your name and your adress.
1st Question:
You need that in russia to?
2nd Question:
If i host my site on russish servers, i need it too (if the answer on the 1st question is no)
Please answer ins a message
27 августа 2009 в 13:03
Работает и ладно
19 августа 2009 в 8:03
>it works and that's good;)
19 августа 2009 в 1:01
my web-site place somewhere in Netherland;) and I'm not panic where it is
it works and that's good;)
server hasn't got difference with the domains name. maybe, u have problem only if your domain name was written in germany with o umlaud, a umlaud, u umlaud and 'ss' symbol;)
18 августа 2009 в 18:01
1st answer
No, we don't need to break our privacy in Russia. We don't have to place on web any impressums and so on.
2nd answer
No, but what you mean? If your site domain got name example.de, as i think, there is no difference between hosting on any servers. So use neutral domain names: net, org, com, maybe ru. And foreign hosts.